Bel Patra - Significance, Religious Meaning & Benefits.

Bel Patra, also called as Bilva Patra in Sanskrit, is a treasured plant that is presented to deities. marmelos, or more often known as wood apple, is how Bel Patra is referred to in English. Bel fruits with a firm shell and a moderately tangy flavour are also produced by the plant. Bel Patra has economic, therapeutic, and cultural values according to the Puranas and Vedas.



The Bel Patra plant is revered in Hinduism as a heavenly and fruitful tree dedicated to Lord Shiva in especial. To help you disable the raja-Tama airborne particles, the plant has a significant amount of sattvik components that absorb and emit sattvik frequencies.


The trifoliate leaf known as Bel Patra also symbolizes the three eyes of Lord Shiva, Brahman, Vishnu, and Mahesh. These three eyes, or Shaktis, are linked to knowledge, action, and decision-making. Under this tree, the 23rd Tirthankara Parshavantha is said to have gained nirvana.


Meaning of the Bel Patra Tree.

Beautiful explanation for the importance of worshipping the Bel Patra Tree or its leaves is given in the Shiva Purana. Gods and humans alike revered the Bel Patra tree. Lord Shiva is said to grant all requests to anyone who fervently offers a trifolium bel Patra to the Shivling, according to the Puranas.


When the Bel Patra leaf is offered to Shiva, it is claimed to absorb some of Shiva's energy, and the worshippers carry a portion of it home with them. One becomes pure and divine by bathing beneath the roots of the Bel Patra tree, which is like bathing in all the sacred waters of the universe. Bel-patra offerings also represent renunciation of the three components of one's nature—tamas, rajas, and sattva.


Bel Patra's Medical Significance.

Bel Patra is a special plant with many therapeutic uses. Vitamins and minerals are contained in bel fruit, especially vitamins A, C, calcium, potassium, riboflavin, fibre, and B6, B12, and B1. These nutrients are necessary for the body's overall growth and development.


All three sister chromatids of each chromosome, which according to Ayurveda are vata, pitta, and kapha, are regulated by the plant. Moreover, Bel Patra can be used every day to assist you manage lifestyle diseases like hypertension, heart issues, and cholesterol.


Formerly, broken bones was treated with raw bel combined with turmeric and ghee.


Benefits of the Plant Bel Patra.

The skin, roots, fruits, and leaves of the Bel Patra tree are all used to treat a wide range of diseases. The sacred tree can treat a variety of illnesses, including asthma, jaundice, dysentery, anaemia, and bleeding gums.


The Bel fruit's tannin helps treat cholera and diarrhoea, and the fruit's dry powder is used to treat diarrhoea.


The plant's antifungal and antiviral properties can be used to treat a variety of bodily infections.


Bel leaves are very therapeutic since their extract might assist you maintain healthy cholesterol control.


Importance of the Bel Patra Tree in Religion.

Using earthen lanterns powered by lightning to worship the roots of the Bel Patra tree is believed to be auspicious. Anyone at all who does this is given access to the truth's knowledge.

Benefits of the Bel Patra plant for Vastu.

The Bel Patra plant purges the surroundings of any negative energy and fills it with positive energy, bringing prosperity and good health. Moreover, learning is aided by lighting a lamp beneath the Bel Patra tree. vastu consultation also a better option to solve our problems.

The oil derived from Bel Patra is helpful for treating respiratory conditions including the common cold and asthma.


Bel Patra Plant Care Instructions.

Pick up a bel fruit, separate the seeds from the flesh, clean them, and set them on a towel rack.

To plant the bel seed, create a hole in the soil that really is deep enough.

Water the ground frequently, but watch out not to drown it.

To keep the soil moist, remove some dried leaves and mulch them there.

Around 10 to 12 days, shoots will start to emerge from the ground.


Architecture of the Bel Patra Plant.

In Hindu traditions, giving Bel Patra has a significant meaning. This leaf is one of the six sacred objects used to worship Lord Shiva, according to the Shiva Purana. Several Hindu gods are also worshiped in Bel Patra.


Bel Patra is regarded for its therapeutic and medicinal powers in Ayurveda. You can live a long, healthy life by including Bel Patra leaf in your everyday routine. Bel Patra is an auspicious offering to Lord Shiva that seems to have religious significance.

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