See the wonders after cleaning your home as per Vastu principles.

 Who doesn't like a clean house? Apart from promoting the flow of positive energy, keeping the house clean also helps prevent the spread of disease. Vastu Shastra claims that everything placed in a house has an impact on the growth, health and emotional state of its residents. According to Vastu Shastra, your home will always be full of happiness and wealth if you keep it clean and follow certain principles of Vastu. Cleaning time should be a proper time because future prediction can also be seen with its help because cleanliness has a lot of effect on us.

Vastu Shastra recommends not cleaning the house after dusk or in the early hours of the morning during Brahma Muhurta. It is said that now is the time to enter the house of Mata Lakshmi, but if you have to sweep at this time for any reason, then do it only after the morning of the next day, otherwise Mata Lakshmi does not reside in that house. Can also be placed on our career horoscope. Here are some rules that you should  Follow.


Pay attention to the house's corners.

The north direction, north-east, and north-west corners of the home ought to be tidy and empty, according to Vastu Shastra. These directions of the house are thought to be home to Kubera, the deity of riches.

Cleaning of bathroom.

It has been seen that many people keep their house neat and clean, but do not pay much attention to the cleanliness of the bathroom. Let us tell you that along with the house, it is also very important to keep your toilet, bathroom clean. Apart from this, never allow spider webs in the bathroom and toilet of the house. Defects in the house's Vastu result from this.

Junk on the roof.

It has been said in Vastu Shastra that broken things or junk should not be allowed to collect on the balcony or terrace of the house. It is believed that by doing this, poverty enters the house. Along with this, due to accumulation of water in broken things, deadly diseases like malaria also flourish.


When should waste be disposed of?

According to Vastu, it is best to clean the house and take away the trash at specific times. Garbage should not be dumped outside during or after sunset, according to Vastu. In reality, Lakshmi comes home in the evening. Lakshmi might become enraged if the trash was taken away from the door in this circumstance. So, never take a broom outside the home when sweeping after sundown. Instead, put it in the trash and then dispose of it in the morning.Keep the main door clean.

Some individuals have a practise of leaving their trash by the front door after cleaning the house. Vastu advises against doing this, not even accidentally. At this, Mother Lakshmi becomes enraged, and poverty enters the home. Keep the area around the front door tidy at all times because of this.


You shouldn't clean right now.

According to Vastu Shastra, cleaning the house should never occur during Brahmamuhurta or at sunset. Leave the garbage pile aside if you need to sweep for some reason. Don't bring it outside. Lakshmi ji is said to vent her anger by sweeping at night.

Rules of Broom.

Never leave the broom out in the open. To do so is regarded as unlucky. In addition, the broom should never be stored vertically. Also, this is viewed negatively. Vastu claims that doing this causes poverty to enter the home. The broom should therefore always be kept on the ground. The old broom should ideally be replaced on a Saturday. Also, Krishna Paksha should always be used to purchase new brooms.


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