What is Manglik Dosha and How Does it Affect Career Success?


Manglik Dosha is an astrological condition that stems from the planet Mars. It is of particular importance in Indian astrology and is believed to bring about disastrous effects in a person’s life if not taken into account and addressed properly. In particular, it is believed to affect the career success of a person and can also bring about delays in marriages as well as disharmony in the marital life.

Manglik Dosha is a unique condition as it can be seen in the birth chart of a person even if the other planets are placed in favourable positions. It is believed that if the planet Mars is placed in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house in one’s birth chart, the person is considered to be Manglik. In addition, if the planet Mars is placed in any of the favourable house or is placed with or inspected by other malefic planets, then the person is believed to be Manglik.


In order to address the ill effects of Manglik Dosha, there are several remedial measures that can be taken. These include performing certain rituals and pujas, reciting mantras, donations, changing the names, and wearing specific gems and rudrakshas. It is believed that the timely implementation of these remedial measures can help negate the ill effects of Manglik Dosha, thereby bringing good fortune and prosperity to the person’s life.


Definition and origin of Manglik Dosha and its role in Horoscope Matching for Career Success.


Manglik Dosha is an astrological concept that is derived from ancient Indian astrology. It is based on the Nakshatras, which are the lunar mansions in the sky. Manglik Dosha is a type of malefic placement of the planets in the birth chart, which affects the marriage and married life of a person. It is believed that when the planets Mars, Sun, and Saturn are placed in certain houses of the natal chart, they create a Manglik Dosha, also known as Kuja Dosha.


Manglik Dosha is a powerful influencer of marital life, as it is linked to the personality and success of the individual. People suffering from this malefic placement are believed to experience marital disruptions and financial instability. The intensity of the Dosha increases with the age of the individual, and hence it is important to take precautions such as pre-marriage counseling to avoid unnecessary troubles in a marriage.


Manglik Dosha is an important part of Horoscope Matching for career success. The 8th house, which represents longevity and success in marriage, is assigned very much importance in Vedic astrology.


What is Manglik Dosha?


Manglik Dosha is a very ancient concept in Hindu astrology, believed to have originated thousands of years ago in India. It is based on the belief that when a person is born under certain planetary influences, a negative influence can be created which can cause obstacles and delays in their life.


Manglik Dosha is calculated based on the positions of Mars in the horoscope. A person is considered to have Manglik Dosha if Mars is located in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of their natal chart. This presence of Mars is said to bring bad luck, especially in the realm of marriage and relationships. The presence of Manglik Dosha can be counteracted through various remedies, such as gift exchange between the person with Manglik Dosha and their would-be partner, upaya puja and havan, and donations. Ancient scriptures suggest that these remedies can bring long-term relief from the adverse effects of Manglik Dosha, provided that they are performed with sincerity and dedication.


The importance of Manglik Dosha in Horoscope Matching for Career Success.


The importance of Manglik Dosha in Horoscope Matching for Career Success is further heightened due to its potential to provide insight into an individual’s career prospects. For those who are unfamiliar, Manglik Dosha is an astrological condition associated with the planet Mars. This condition is believed to be responsible for bringing about unfavorable events and experiences for the individual who suffers from it, including financial losses, ill health, and professional misfortunes.


Factors that Impact the Strength of Manglik Dosha.


1. Planets Involved: Manglik dosha is formed when Mars is placed in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house in a person's horoscope. The strength of Manglik dosha is determined by the position of the planet Mars and its relationship with other planets in the horoscope.


2. Nature of Mars: The nature of Mars is an important factor in determining the strength of Manglik dosha.


Different Types of Manglik Dosha.


• Ascending Level Manglik Dosha: This type of Manglik Dosha occurs when the Ascendant or the first house in the Horoscope Map is owned by planet Mars which represents energy and action.


• Kalsarp Dosha: Also known as Kala Sarpa Dosha, this type of Manglik Dosha occurs when all the planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu.


How to Interpret Manglik Dosha in Horoscope Matching.


-What is Manglik Dosha: Manglik Dosha is an astrological condition that is determined by the position of the planet Mars in a person’s birth chart. It is said to cause difficulties in marriage and can be an obstacle to a successful career.


-Significance of Manglik Dosha in Career Success: The presence of Manglik Dosha in a horoscope can have an adverse effect on a person’s career.Manglik dosha also effects on the career Horoscope.



In conclusion, the Manglik Dosha can be an important factor to consider when looking for a successful career match through horoscope matching. While it is not the only factor, being aware of its influence can help you better assess the compatibility between two people in terms of their career success. It can also provide you with insight into any potential issues that may arise within a relationship if the two individuals are not compatible in this regard.




What happens when someone is Manglik?

Mars is regarded as the planet of conflict. Very unfavourable conditions are produced for marriage by mangal dosh. Tensions, discomfort, sadness, and divorce are all very likely in such people's marriages. The majority of these folks experience discord in their families.


Can Manglik Dosha be removed?

From a very young age, Manglik people can practice Devotion and worship God for removing the effects of mangal dosha is being recommended by various experienced astrologers. Worshiping gods and goddesses by chanting mantras and offering flowers and on their feet on special days, is recommended by expert astrologers.


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