Marriage astrology: Know astrological reasons and analysis of divorce in horoscope.


Nowadays divorce has become very common among married couples. A small misunderstanding or mistake separates married couples. At the same time, it takes less time to get divorced than to get married. However, in less than a year, the two separates from each other. Not only love marriages, people in arranged marriages also apply for divorce. There can be many reasons for separation, in which planetary conjunctions can affect the life of the native.


Let us know in detail about the yoga of separation and divorce according to astrology, what is the reason for separation between married couples.



Reasons of divorce.

communication problems between couples

in-laws’ problem

extramarital affairs


Financial mismatch on both sides

These problems can be avoided by matching the horoscope of the boy and girl online. If you talk to an astrologer and get proper horoscope matching done, divorce can be avoided. In some charts there is an apparent divorce or major malefic effect on the marriage house i.e. 7th house. Such matches can be avoided. Also, in kundli milan, regular guna matching is not enough.


Divorce in astrology is indicated by the position of certain planets. There are certain combinations that cause divorce in couples, which can be analyzed by a good astrologer. A Best astrologer  can solve the marriage problem by suggesting some remedies.

Problems in Marriage: Planetary conjunctions that cause separation.

If the 7th house is in the 6th house, then the 8th house leads to separation.

In the seventh house, the lord of the sixth or eighth house with the lord of the seventh house affects the married life. If it is aspected by a malefic planet and there is no auspicious aspect on it, then it affects the person a lot.

If Mars is associated with any other inauspicious planet in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house. It will cause disturbance in married life and may even lead to divorce/separation.

If the lord of the seventh house is sitting in the sixth house and is aspected by Mars, there may be a sudden separation.

While another planetary combination for separation and divorce yoga occurs when the 7th lord sits in the 6th house and is aspected by Saturn, there will be an extended court case after which the native may get divorced.

totals of divorce.

Marriage in the dasha of planets in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house can result in separation or divorce.

If Venus is afflicted in the horoscope Matching of men and Mars is afflicted in the horoscope of women. If this happens then there can be trouble in married life.

If Saturn and Mars are aspecting each other in the first and seventh house or in the fifth and eleventh house in the horoscope of Virgo, then there can be problems in married life.

The aspect of both Saturn and Mars on the seventh or eighth house creates problems in married life.


Planet Yoga responsible for separation or divorce.

According to astrology, planets like Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu play a major role in forming separation or divorce yoga. Because of these, the person has to face a lot of trouble in his married life and due to the effect of these planets, the people get separated from each other.


Surya and separation/divorce.

Sun is a more energetic planet and is quite authoritative by nature.

If the planet Sun is afflicted and joins the 7th house, it causes problems in married life.

Also if Sun is in 1st or 7th house, it will cause problems between married couple. However, if the Sun is in a favorable or neutral house, it will create conflict between the married couple. They will blame each other or have a harsh exchange of words and arguments. But there will be no divorce.

If Venus is in the 2nd or 4th, 7th, or 9th house within 7 degrees and 30 minutes with the Sun, then there is a situation of divorce. However, we should look at the D9 or Navamsa chart to be sure about the yoga of separation or divorce. Merely looking at the Lagna chart is not enough.

Lagna chart and D9 (Navamsha) both indicate divorce or separation yoga. So if only one chart shows divorce, there will be only conflict in the married couple.

Mars planet.

Mars is the causative planet of quarrels and physical suffering. When Mars is in the second or fourth or seventh or eighth or twelfth house, it is called Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha. This causes difficulties in married life.

When Mars joins marriage related houses in 1st or 7th house, it gives quarrel, verbal or physical fight between married couple.

  If Mars joins only the 7th house (the house belonging to the married partner), it creates problems or quarrels between the married couple.

However, if it somehow joins the 3rd and 11th houses and their lords, it creates a yoga where the girl child may be physically abused by her father-in-law and mother-in-law.

If Mars has formed Raja Yoga or is present in its own nala without any affliction of other malefic planets or aspects, it will give a long and happy married life.


Shani also plays an important role in determining divorce in a married couple.

If Saturn conjoins with houses like first or seventh house, it makes the native suspicious in nature. In addition, he may doubt his partner.

When Saturn is associated with the house of marriage, it can keep the native unsatisfied in married life. They would mostly think that it could be better than what it is.

If Saturn is a very slow moving planet. So its effects are also very slow and last for a long time. Couples affected by Shani in the house related to marriage tend to keep matters under wraps for a long time and suddenly split even on small matters.

Rahu planet.

Rahu is called the planet of separation.

Rahu creates disturbance in married life when it is associated with the seventh house and having an inauspicious aspect.

If Rahu joins with the house of sex, the person remains unsatisfied with one person and seeks many partners.

He cannot stay in a relationship for long and will have a flirtatious personality.

planet ketu.

There are different views regarding Ketu and separation. Some people say that Ketu gives the sum of separation or divorce. While according to many astrologers it gives the purpose of getting married only to have children.

If Ketu is also called Vairagya Karak, which means it can destroy all materialistic things.

If Ketu is associated or present in the seventh house and afflicted or aspected by a malefic planet, it gives resistance in leading a married life.

These houses need to be analysed for marriage in the horoscope.

Fourth house – Fourth house represents happiness from family. If the fourth house or the lord of the fourth house is afflicted by sins, the native is devoid of family happiness.

Seventh House – The seventh house mainly represents marriage. If the seventh house or the lord of the seventh house is afflicted, it can cause serious problems in marriage. However, if the planet Jupiter aspects the seventh house, then the marriage of the native never breaks.

Second house – The second house represents the family. Any conflict related to the second house can also be the reason for divorce.

Twelfth House – The twelfth house represents sexual pleasure in marriage. If this house or its lord is afflicted, it can create problems in sexual relations.

Astrological remedies to avoid separation.

Each Rashi/Lagna and person are different so there is a bond of relationship with them. The reason for divorce is different in all cases and the nature of the people involved are also different. So, the best way/solution to avoid divorce in life is to get married after Kundli matching and check your life partner compatibility.


If the situation of divorce has entered your life, then the best way to prevent divorce is to consult a good marriage astrologer after marriage.


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