Know why bell is not rung in evening worship and other rules related to worship.

 Know why bell is not rung in evening worship and other rules related to worship.


Hinduism places a high value on worship, which is carried out through religious rituals and entails prayers, meditation, mantras, and aartis to God. A person expresses to God all of his emotions and desires through worship. It is regarded as a crucial component of Dharma that aids the local in living a more moral existence. Worship helps a person to have a pure mind and focuses their attention on God, which gives them faith, power, and assurance. So in order to worship the Lord without trouble, the native must first comprehend the regulation governing evening worship.


Analyze how worship aids in the formation of religious ideals. Also, it helps a person develop traits like discipline, temperance, excellent behaviour, and devotion. In addition to this, worship improves social and spiritual feelings and enhances the native's status in society. Explain please in this post why Tulsi and Ghanti are not used during evening worship.

Importance of worship in Hinduism.

When a person worships at home, they become more fervently religious and have a closer relationship with God. Also, worship strengthens the bonds of love and harmony among family members. By worshipping, the native creates a pleasant energy flow and a peaceful environment in their home. A person can achieve the spiritual and mental purity required for a healthy existence by engaging in worship at home. Throughout time, a person's behaviour changes as a result of their worship, and their bond with God and their faith grows stronger. arises in the mind of the person, which is very important for the spiritual and physical health of the person.


Home-worship principles based on astrology.

Hinduism has specific guidelines that must be followed when worshipping at home. These are the following guidelines:

A bath.

Hinduism views bathing as being crucial to worship. Its fundamental goal is to uphold sacredness and purity. All body parts are cleansed and made more stimulated by bathing, which aids in worship activities like meditation and learning. Moreover, bathing helps maintain better physical and mental health and helps prevent numerous ailments. It is advised to take a bath before worship because it promotes mental and physical well-being. Hence, if you do this, your career horoscope will be made exactly for you.Hinduism views bathing as being crucial to worship. Its fundamental goal is to uphold sacredness and purity. All body parts are cleansed and made more stimulated by bathing, which aids in worship activities like meditation and learning. Moreover, bathing helps maintain better physical and mental health and helps prevent numerous ailments. It is advised to take a bath before worship because it promotes mental and physical well-being. Hence, if you do this, your career horoscope will be made exactly for you.


House cleaning.

Cleanliness at home is crucial because a well-kept temple or place of worship promotes spiritual experience and provides you peace of mind. Also, a clean temple is a representation of purity and cleanliness, both of which are crucial for your mental and physical health. It also aids in future prediction, allowing you to make the decisions you want to in the future.


Seat of worship.

Hinduism uses asanas during devotion because they help to stabilise the body and relax the mind. Sitting still as you worship enhances your body's blood circulation and puts your mind at ease. Asana use is crucial during worship because of this.


Worship time.

In Hinduism, there are two times of worship: in the morning and at night. When the sun's rays are shining on the earth at sunrise, morning worship should begin. The sunset, or when the sun starts to set, is when the evening puja should be conducte.


While attending evening worship, keep these things in mind.

Don't ring the bell.

In Hinduism, bells should not be rung at sunset worship because at this time, ancestor gods are worshipped, and their survival depends on peace and harmony. Bells may break this peace and harmony, which as the gods of the ancestors may consider offensive. The bell should not be rung during the evening service due to this reason.


Basil leaf in worship.

Because the evening is revered in Hinduism as the time of the Gods and Goddesses and because tulsi is said to be the essence of the Goddess, it is prohibited to handle tulsi leaves during that time. Tulsi leaves should not be handled after sunset for this reason because Tulsi Devi grows enraged and it is unlucky for the locals.


Worship of the sun god in the evening.

The Sun God is not worshipped in the evening, per the norms of worship, as the evening is after sunset and the Sun God is known as the God of the Day. They are not revered at night for this reason. Even so, since fire is seen as a large piece of nature, it is possible to use it during evening worship.


Flowers in evening worship.

Because the primary goal of evening worship is to worship the Gods and Goddesses who provide welfare to all living things in the world, it is considered unlucky in Hinduism to pluck flowers for that reason. These activities are also connected to your Zodiac sign. Moreover, God takes the appearance of plants and trees on earth, and harming them offends the gods and goddesses. So, it is better to refrain from picking flowers for evening worship.



It will be beneficial to follow this astrologer's advice while attending evening worship.

By doing the following astrological cures at evening worship, you can stay out of trouble:


If a person begins worshipping with some unlucky ideas, they should push them away and meditate to maintain a peaceful and pure mind.

At the puja, you must give God at least one sweet and some prasad.

Use Tulsi leaves during devotion if at all possible; they are regarded as an auspicious emblem. Use it for morning worship only, though.

If at all possible, donate the appropriate materials during the puja.

Do aarti in front of God after worship.


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